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Character STP: 1 027 133

Character Total Skill Points: 2101


Unlike real life, Primethyme has felt rested 139 times!

Primethyme has grunted 820 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 4 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 7 times in total.

Primethyme has fasted 3 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Primethyme has updated their skill sheet 1 time.

Primethyme has defragmented their storage 77 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Primethyme has visited Melody the least.



Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 96 266 / 4 755 73375.066475
STP: 82 359 / 5 565 96970.101210
STP: 47 598 / 4 438 68465.025635
STP: 84 285 / 9 426 92062.206360
STP: 46 447 / 5 565 96961.148895
STP: 37 136 / 6 340 97755.855804
STP: 81 209 / 15 852 44453.921604
STP: 28 115 / 6 340 97751.880520
STP: 14 319 / 4 174 47748.377567
STP: 21 661 / 6 340 97748.322740


STP: 30 541 / 52 841 48228.779005
STP: 30 574 / 63 409 77927.230383
STP: 21 713 / 63 409 77924.508698
STP: 22 210 / 47 557 33426.965553
STP: 22 848 / 52 841 48226.335726
STP: 48 429 / 63 409 77931.311626
STP: 34 181 / 190 229 33820.043320
STP: 16 509 / 52 841 48223.822598
STP: 19 832 / 63 409 77923.830431
STP: 23 618 / 63 409 77925.153772


STP: 82 359 / 5 565 96970.101210
STP: 2 / 6 340 9772.693499
STP: 71 / 6 340 9778.233892
STP: 28 115 / 6 340 97751.880520
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 87 / 11 096 7117.331838
STP: 457 / 5 565 96915.644746
STP: 733 / 31 704 88910.405736
STP: 2 584 / 6 340 97725.863148
STP: 18 / 6 340 9775.331688
STP: 16 / 6 340 9775.084342
STP: 3 772 / 27 829 84718.339500
STP: 480 / 31 704 8899.074254
STP: 1 520 / 6 340 97721.937536
STP: 2 / 6 340 9772.714099
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 2 921 / 6 340 97726.855124
STP: 5 / 19 022 9332.462174
STP: 395 / 19 022 93310.055211
STP: 1 737 / 6 340 97722.872978


STP: 1 262 / 15 852 44415.491167
STP: 759 / 6 340 97717.635378
STP: 902 / 6 340 97718.623924
STP: 5 983 / 15 852 44425.256520
STP: 4 782 / 11 096 71126.308504
STP: 81 209 / 15 852 44453.921604
STP: 3 623 / 4 438 68431.945910
STP: 1 015 / 4 438 68421.619380
STP: 309 / 4 755 73314.527989
STP: 47 598 / 4 438 68465.025635
STP: 14 765 / 5 072 78246.223843
STP: 10 847 / 3 804 58645.958010
STP: 1 033 / 11 096 71116.279041
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.000000


STP: 4 610 / 5 565 96932.085377
STP: 84 285 / 9 426 92062.206360
STP: 9 177 / 3 522 76544.808710
STP: 14 319 / 4 174 47748.377567
STP: 549 / 8 348 95414.577050
STP: 80 970 / 31 704 88944.558537
STP: 96 266 / 4 755 73375.066475
STP: 2 490 / 6 340 97725.567404
STP: 987 / 6 340 97719.162022
STP: 7 764 / 11 131 93930.466406
STP: 604 / 6 340 97716.404324
STP: 12 082 / 6 340 97740.992840
STP: 21 661 / 6 340 97748.322740


STP: 352 / 6 340 97713.807323
STP: 11 160 / 5 565 96941.596910
STP: 5 634 / 6 340 97732.766247
STP: 784 / 6 340 97717.818483
STP: 2 / 6 340 9772.837194
STP: 635 / 634 09733.959900
STP: 6 / 6 340 9773.848257
STP: 1 104 / 16 697 90814.599306
STP: 19 / 634 09711.405268
STP: 0 / 01.000000
STP: 80 970 / 31 704 88944.558537
STP: 3 / 6 340 9773.190688
STP: 1 533 / 6 340 97721.999638
STP: 1 / 9 511 4662.000000
STP: 0 / 5 565 9691.651362
STP: 81 209 / 15 852 44453.921604
STP: 3 904 / 6 340 97729.337227
STP: 18 / 31 704 8893.118559
STP: 43 / 6 340 9776.987967
STP: 0 / 35 227 6551.000000
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 102 / 27 829 8475.712256
STP: 379 / 6 340 97714.135630
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 1 / 2 782 9842.900410
STP: 2 967 / 5 565 96928.079960
STP: 2 / 8 348 9542.537170
STP: 46 447 / 5 565 96961.148895
STP: 37 136 / 6 340 97755.855804
STP: 175 / 5 565 96911.507566
STP: 69 / 5 565 9698.524158


STP: 2 / 27 829 8471.776547
STP: 0 / 015.339600
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 7 / 6 340 9773.924259
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


STP: 0 / 039.466244
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.693869
STP: 577 / 5 565 96916.851439
STP: 34 / 5 565 9696.800563
STP: 9 / 5 565 9694.483932
STP: 0 / 4 755 7331.000000
STP: 0 / 4 755 7331.000000
STP: 3 / 31 704 8891.950732
STP: 5 / 19 022 9332.553072
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 5 983 / 15 852 44425.256520
STP: 0 / 33 290 1341.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 7 864 / 19 022 93325.974503
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.464619
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 11 131 9391.072135
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 466 / 4 755 73316.555601
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 110 / 6 340 9779.488291
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 1 slaying:


Founded 1 deed:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: