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Character STP: 10 001 909

Character Total Skill Points: 5389


Unlike real life, Mumin has felt rested 6893 times!

Mumin has grunted 28784 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 1344 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 3974 times in total.

Life has handed Mumin 7047 lemons.

Mumin has fasted 13 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Mumin has created terrain graffiti 5409 times.

Mumin visited the realm of the mermaids 1 time.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Mumin has updated their skill sheet 546 times.

Mumin has defragmented their storage 8226 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Mumin has visited Cadence the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 216700 more times than your character could handle.


You threw away more than 10 food wrappings. You have thrown away 260 food wrappings.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 317 674 / 4 174 47793.342800
STP: 298 520 / 5 565 96989.319870
Farming ★★
STP: 556 314 / 11 131 93988.411990
STP: 299 932 / 6 340 97787.686230
STP: 251 406 / 5 565 96987.065370
Shovel ★★
STP: 174 712 / 4 438 68485.153305
STP: 163 867 / 4 438 68484.235420
STP: 163 523 / 4 755 73383.199080
STP: 1 064 020 / 31 704 88982.841420
STP: 506 524 / 15 852 44482.112114


Body ★★
STP: 435 446 / 52 841 48260.957027
STP: 381 192 / 63 409 77956.237797
STP: 207 235 / 63 409 77947.735950
STP: 116 189 / 47 557 33444.004303
STP: 290 690 / 52 841 48254.946304
STP: 504 624 / 63 409 77960.426105
STP: 55 009 / 190 229 33823.257265
STP: 164 997 / 52 841 48247.136520
STP: 104 172 / 63 409 77939.274467
STP: 232 435 / 63 409 77949.267868


STP: 298 520 / 5 565 96989.319870
STP: 1 275 / 6 340 97720.763786
STP: 1 467 / 6 340 97721.698380
STP: 97 908 / 6 340 97770.776550
STP: 4 786 / 6 340 97731.201582
STP: 5 466 / 11 096 71127.410097
STP: 25 611 / 5 565 96952.399850
STP: 8 297 / 31 704 88922.546260
STP: 10 429 / 6 340 97739.288086
STP: 1 890 / 6 340 97723.477920
STP: 1 465 / 6 340 97721.686373
STP: 99 989 / 27 829 84748.997932
STP: 8 785 / 31 704 88922.950985
STP: 490 / 6 340 97715.348888
STP: 667 / 6 340 97716.924053
STP: 1 568 / 31 704 88913.300593
STP: 3 055 / 6 340 97727.225342
STP: 423 / 6 340 97714.647359
STP: 326 / 6 340 97713.474544
STP: 76 152 / 6 340 97766.802086
STP: 759 / 19 022 93312.415616
STP: 2 741 / 19 022 93318.698229
STP: 7 335 / 6 340 97735.440342


STP: 23 261 / 15 852 44438.004340
STP: 7 181 / 6 340 97735.219070
STP: 20 701 / 6 340 97747.721954
STP: 228 809 / 15 852 44469.707160
STP: 151 583 / 11 096 71168.834850
STP: 506 524 / 15 852 44482.112114
Shovel ★★
STP: 174 712 / 4 438 68485.153305
STP: 76 996 / 4 438 68472.623430
STP: 7 212 / 4 755 73338.371662
STP: 163 867 / 4 438 68484.235420
STP: 97 187 / 5 072 78274.197296
STP: 34 216 / 3 804 58662.296380
STP: 141 032 / 11 096 71167.694530
STP: 10 059 / 11 096 71132.963615


STP: 103 160 / 5 565 96973.672905
STP: 292 387 / 9 426 92081.666770
STP: 9 105 / 3 522 76544.709637
STP: 317 674 / 4 174 47793.342800
STP: 3 473 / 8 348 95426.024593
STP: 1 064 020 / 31 704 88982.841420
STP: 163 523 / 4 755 73383.199080
STP: 125 964 / 6 340 97774.769720
STP: 299 932 / 6 340 97787.686230
Farming ★★
STP: 556 314 / 11 131 93988.411990
STP: 94 526 / 6 340 97770.219030
STP: 71 339 / 6 340 97765.776480
STP: 73 460 / 6 340 97766.236210


STP: 7 441 / 6 340 97735.591198
STP: 251 406 / 5 565 96987.065370
STP: 33 516 / 6 340 97754.370434
STP: 61 805 / 6 340 97763.539540
STP: 40 627 / 6 340 97757.175740
STP: 6 353 / 634 09763.969086
STP: 98 375 / 6 340 97770.852135
STP: 46 362 / 16 697 90845.617752
STP: 11 486 / 634 09773.309870
STP: 0 / 09.238227
STP: 1 064 020 / 31 704 88982.841420
STP: 1 282 / 6 340 97720.799196
STP: 110 673 / 6 340 97772.721016
STP: 175 883 / 9 511 46673.636590
STP: 2 248 / 5 565 96925.790665
STP: 506 524 / 15 852 44482.112114
STP: 50 683 / 6 340 97760.492653
STP: 932 / 31 704 88911.246777
STP: 3 135 / 6 340 97727.440989
STP: 81 131 / 35 227 65543.274100
STP: 52 459 / 11 096 71152.780540
STP: 41 783 / 3 170 48868.267410
STP: 21 090 / 27 829 84731.238205
STP: 27 220 / 6 340 97751.430172
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 1 198 / 2 782 98426.304424
STP: 70 980 / 5 565 96967.748200
STP: 14 315 / 8 348 95439.764618
STP: 121 492 / 5 565 96976.253510
STP: 103 049 / 6 340 97771.588670
STP: 3 647 / 5 565 96929.896624
STP: 4 775 / 5 565 96932.425710


STP: 3 628 / 27 829 84718.114870
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 18 043 / 6 340 97745.932140
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.065367
STP: 1 / 3 170 4883.000000


STP: 0 / 081.637580
STP: 163 / 6 340 97710.777733
STP: 83 106 / 5 565 96970.244510
STP: 2 996 / 5 565 96928.164510
STP: 2 811 / 5 565 96927.621305
STP: 1 / 4 755 7332.809349
STP: 121 / 4 755 73310.756182
STP: 14 491 / 31 704 88926.788216
STP: 6 307 / 19 022 93324.265280
STP: 6 125 / 19 022 93324.046211
STP: 11 841 / 19 022 93329.434560
STP: 228 809 / 15 852 44469.707160
STP: 16 245 / 33 290 13427.330970
STP: 5 906 / 19 022 93323.776787
STP: 320 432 / 19 022 93372.157560
STP: 12 275 / 31 704 88925.455630
STP: 5 396 / 19 022 93323.118870
STP: 8 610 / 19 022 93326.708153
STP: 6 799 / 19 022 93324.835810
STP: 13 983 / 31 704 88926.496530
STP: 10 066 / 19 022 93328.015446
STP: 5 724 / 19 022 93323.546350
STP: 7 233 / 19 022 93325.314747
STP: 2 054 / 31 704 88914.501913
STP: 7 321 / 19 022 93325.408670
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 126 / 11 131 9398.254082
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.944412
STP: 3 / 14 267 2002.327930
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.050977
STP: 11 / 14 267 2003.513974
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.537669
STP: 188 / 14 267 2008.673667
STP: 12 636 / 4 755 73345.058537
STP: 1 013 / 6 340 97719.321290
STP: 491 / 6 340 97715.355297
STP: 806 / 6 340 97717.972414
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.487519
STP: 0 / 6 340 9772.027501
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 41 slayings:

  • Venerable starving kyklops on Melody.
  • Venerable champion white dragon on Cadence.
  • Aged black dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving black dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged starving troll king on Harmony.
  • Aged troll king on Harmony.
  • Venerable slow green dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Young green dragon on Harmony.
  • Venerable forest giant on Harmony.
  • Venerable lurking blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable fat red dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Aged starving blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable fat white dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Young kyklops on Harmony.
  • Young starving kyklops on Harmony.
  • Venerable troll king on Harmony.
  • Venerable greenish white dragon on Cadence.
  • Old blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable red dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Aged black dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable greenish red dragon on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving forest giant on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving slow forest giant on Harmony.
  • Venerable fat sly troll king on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving hardened kyklops on Harmony.
  • Aged starving forest giant on Cadence.
  • Aged starving champion blue dragon hatchling on Cadence.
  • Venerable starving sly green dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Aged starving forest giant on Harmony.
  • Aged starving forest giant on Harmony.
  • Aged starving diseased forest giant on Harmony.
  • Aged starving kyklops on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving goblin leader on Harmony.
  • Venerable red dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged starving hardened troll king on Harmony.
  • Aged starving kyklops on Harmony.
  • Venerable greenish troll king on Harmony.
  • Venerable green dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable white dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged white dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Aged starving kyklops on Harmony.


Founded 1 deed:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 1 guard tower:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: