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Character STP: 53 423 375

Character Total Skill Points: 9081


Unlike real life, Elrohiir has felt rested 5102 times!

Elrohiir has grunted 20888 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 1325 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 6677 times in total.

Life has handed Elrohiir 688 lemons.

Elrohiir has fasted 58 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Elrohiir has created terrain graffiti 4591 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Elrohiir has updated their skill sheet 11 times.

Elrohiir has defragmented their storage 8265 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Elrohiir has visited Independence the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 103562 more times than your character could handle.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

Digging ★★★
STP: 1 696 707 / 4 174 47799.982640
STP: 3 270 604 / 19 022 93398.896100
STP: 681 688 / 4 438 68498.461660
STP: 673 760 / 4 438 68498.410890
STP: 737 678 / 5 565 96997.739230
Mining ★★
STP: 1 234 136 / 9 426 92097.670746
STP: 0 / 097.436600
STP: 745 728 / 6 340 97797.017044
STP: 717 324 / 6 340 97796.755490
STP: 624 779 / 5 565 96996.701580


STP: 1 496 207 / 52 841 48280.287440
STP: 1 472 787 / 63 409 77977.226390
STP: 581 108 / 63 409 77962.586437
STP: 631 561 / 47 557 33468.388300
STP: 987 010 / 52 841 48273.795910
STP: 1 695 571 / 63 409 77979.410820
STP: 698 150 / 190 229 33849.284157
STP: 595 599 / 52 841 48265.805610
STP: 638 084 / 63 409 77964.034660
STP: 390 927 / 63 409 77956.607918


STP: 737 678 / 5 565 96997.739230
STP: 112 335 / 6 340 97772.957420
STP: 717 324 / 6 340 97796.755490
STP: 91 815 / 6 340 97769.757680
STP: 433 397 / 6 340 97792.198875
STP: 107 126 / 11 096 71163.390812
STP: 301 934 / 5 565 96989.463310
STP: 110 667 / 31 704 88948.610477
STP: 297 673 / 6 340 97787.585230
STP: 36 781 / 6 340 97755.715717
STP: 274 604 / 6 340 97786.489580
STP: 2 957 557 / 27 829 84796.306854
STP: 1 833 390 / 31 704 88990.254800
STP: 268 762 / 6 340 97786.192260
STP: 284 251 / 6 340 97786.962440
STP: 406 254 / 31 704 88967.823490
STP: 286 432 / 6 340 97787.066360
STP: 492 029 / 6 340 97793.540700
STP: 355 628 / 6 340 97789.879030
STP: 745 728 / 6 340 97797.017044
STP: 804 054 / 19 022 93386.153750
STP: 234 276 / 19 022 93367.198090
STP: 323 313 / 6 340 97788.672820


STP: 267 854 / 15 852 44472.206650
STP: 427 237 / 6 340 97792.039990
STP: 93 498 / 6 340 97770.045550
STP: 372 329 / 15 852 44477.400660
STP: 654 983 / 11 096 71190.503365
STP: 1 100 004 / 15 852 44492.365130
STP: 673 760 / 4 438 68498.410890
STP: 18 965 / 4 438 68451.365482
STP: 62 352 / 4 755 73368.185950
STP: 681 688 / 4 438 68498.461660
STP: 446 152 / 5 072 78294.741670
STP: 139 072 / 3 804 58684.091970
STP: 202 434 / 11 096 71173.421890
STP: 4 946 / 11 096 71126.583809


STP: 440 577 / 5 565 96993.740020
Mining ★★
STP: 1 234 136 / 9 426 92097.670746
STP: 205 633 / 3 522 76590.369010
Digging ★★★
STP: 1 696 707 / 4 174 47799.982640
STP: 197 637 / 8 348 95477.523030
STP: 1 595 355 / 31 704 88988.501440
STP: 203 707 / 4 755 73386.338270
STP: 376 607 / 6 340 97790.578094
STP: 373 218 / 6 340 97790.469230
STP: 111 646 / 11 131 93963.982903
STP: 15 828 / 6 340 97744.272480
STP: 140 267 / 6 340 97776.462776
STP: 139 893 / 6 340 97776.420906


STP: 21 137 / 6 340 97747.997320
STP: 590 656 / 5 565 96996.296060
STP: 427 149 / 6 340 97792.037680
STP: 99 709 / 6 340 97771.065870
STP: 13 548 / 6 340 97742.359795
STP: 32 553 / 634 09788.761320
STP: 73 188 / 6 340 97766.177940
Butchering ★★
STP: 733 161 / 16 697 90886.679030
STP: 22 603 / 634 09783.726840
STP: 0 / 070.547020
STP: 1 595 355 / 31 704 88988.501440
STP: 266 646 / 6 340 97786.082460
STP: 365 182 / 6 340 97790.204926
STP: 221 748 / 9 511 46677.284990
STP: 624 779 / 5 565 96996.701580
STP: 1 100 004 / 15 852 44492.365130
STP: 375 935 / 6 340 97790.556620
STP: 38 405 / 31 704 88935.925472
STP: 163 601 / 6 340 97778.859710
STP: 17 354 / 35 227 65527.409863
STP: 10 046 / 11 096 71132.950455
STP: 21 584 / 3 170 48858.076572
STP: 89 328 / 27 829 84747.498398
STP: 254 486 / 6 340 97785.428330
STP: 1 748 / 7 045 53122.176310
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 246 / 2 356 73016.890310
STP: 279 / 2 356 73017.580448
STP: 88 001 / 2 782 98481.956450
STP: 182 906 / 5 565 96982.529790
STP: 199 567 / 8 348 95477.674515
STP: 295 055 / 5 565 96989.171850
STP: 449 691 / 6 340 97792.601654
STP: 17 040 / 5 565 96946.879265
STP: 12 876 / 5 565 96943.329765


STP: 4 673 / 27 829 84719.621319
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 3 / 3 170 4883.864686
STP: 5 947 / 6 340 97733.300710
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.144236
STP: 3 / 3 170 4883.723507


STP: 0 / 097.436600
STP: 5 666 / 6 340 97732.822987
STP: 383 443 / 5 565 96992.285930
STP: 93 739 / 5 565 96972.154755
STP: 78 538 / 5 565 96969.348220
STP: 4 366 / 4 755 73333.089260
STP: 25 350 / 4 755 73354.491882
STP: 1 964 276 / 31 704 88991.079670
STP: 3 270 604 / 19 022 93398.896100
STP: 1 390 984 / 19 022 93392.927860
STP: 1 393 192 / 19 022 93392.944580
STP: 372 329 / 15 852 44477.400660
STP: 429 778 / 33 290 13467.941925
STP: 193 604 / 19 022 93364.210740
STP: 128 186 / 19 022 93357.923830
STP: 7 444 / 31 704 88921.796345
STP: 12 657 / 19 022 93330.035059
STP: 7 277 / 19 022 93325.362310
STP: 7 075 / 19 022 93325.142800
STP: 116 006 / 31 704 88949.243240
STP: 1 457 093 / 19 022 93393.409360
STP: 60 907 / 19 022 93347.465424
STP: 1 724 291 / 19 022 93395.011530
STP: 15 118 / 31 704 88927.138290
STP: 128 431 / 19 022 93357.952263
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 400 379 / 11 131 93983.856964
STP: 30 266 / 14 267 20042.273296
STP: 31 633 / 14 267 20042.809350
STP: 28 561 / 14 267 20041.578304
STP: 34 274 / 14 267 20043.794983
STP: 322 094 / 14 267 20076.781970
STP: 598 988 / 14 267 20086.060010
STP: 47 491 / 4 755 73363.915592
STP: 9 002 / 6 340 97737.639290
STP: 10 669 / 6 340 97739.548140
STP: 13 121 / 6 340 97741.973927
STP: 684 / 15 852 44412.732500
STP: 858 / 6 340 97718.330990
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 30 slayings:

  • Venerable fat sly troll king on Xanadu.
  • Venerable fat slow green dragon hatchling on Celebration.
  • Venerable starving forest giant on Xanadu.
  • Venerable starving black dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Venerable fat blue dragon on Xanadu.
  • Venerable fat red dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable fat red dragon on Xanadu.
  • Aged black dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Venerable fat black dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable fat red dragon on Independence.
  • Venerable fat green dragon on Release.
  • Venerable red dragon hatchling on Deliverance.
  • Venerable fat alert white dragon on Release.
  • Aged fat angry green dragon on Release.
  • Venerable fat champion black dragon on Exodus.
  • Venerable goblin leader on Celebration.
  • Venerable blue dragon on Release.
  • Venerable starving forest giant on Xanadu.
  • Venerable fat black dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable starving blue dragon on Independence.
  • Venerable fat green dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Aged raging black dragon on Release.
  • Aged fat alert red dragon on Release.
  • Venerable fat lurking green dragon on Release.
  • Venerable angry red dragon hatchling on Xanadu.
  • Aged fat white dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable fat diseased red dragon on Release.
  • Aged starving forest giant on Release.
  • Venerable black dragon on Xanadu.
  • Aged green dragon on Xanadu.


Founded 2 deeds:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: