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Character STP: 14 473 632

Character Total Skill Points: 5410


Unlike real life, Dirk has felt rested 1489 times!

Dirk has grunted 9527 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 1011 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 3237 times in total.

Life has handed Dirk 1280 lemons.

Dirk has fasted 177 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Dirk has created terrain graffiti 30 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Dirk has updated their skill sheet 23 times.

Dirk has defragmented their storage 158 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Dirk has visited Exodus the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 82309 more times than your character could handle.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 678 119 / 6 340 97796.353490
STP: 419 801 / 4 438 68495.378830
STP: 521 319 / 6 340 97794.110870
STP: 768 278 / 9 426 92094.026330
STP: 1 475 570 / 19 022 93393.537155
STP: 361 103 / 5 565 96991.613220
STP: 1 115 229 / 19 022 93390.421360
STP: 610 912 / 11 131 93989.608765
STP: 0 / 087.313690
STP: 208 938 / 5 072 78285.792984


STP: 381 981 / 52 841 48258.974007
STP: 347 410 / 63 409 77954.887383
STP: 137 957 / 63 409 77942.579082
STP: 168 886 / 47 557 33448.841267
STP: 192 128 / 52 841 48249.158290
STP: 347 959 / 63 409 77954.910230
STP: 99 837 / 190 229 33827.945225
STP: 95 281 / 52 841 48240.346714
STP: 98 802 / 63 409 77938.675293
STP: 90 367 / 63 409 77937.681620


STP: 226 266 / 5 565 96985.609010
STP: 300 / 6 340 97713.123096
STP: 168 286 / 6 340 97779.295105
STP: 37 817 / 6 340 97756.121468
STP: 2 129 / 6 340 97724.359795
STP: 12 023 / 11 096 71134.760770
STP: 19 770 / 5 565 96948.844505
STP: 35 824 / 31 704 88935.194996
STP: 14 782 / 6 340 97743.423553
STP: 199 980 / 6 340 97781.916810
STP: 87 767 / 6 340 97769.043365
STP: 771 626 / 27 829 84779.966644
STP: 25 220 / 31 704 88931.697203
STP: 1 004 / 6 340 97719.265055
STP: 2 945 / 6 340 97726.920195
STP: 127 070 / 31 704 88950.482494
STP: 1 143 / 6 340 97720.067225
STP: 521 319 / 6 340 97794.110870
STP: 219 644 / 6 340 97783.307400
STP: 678 119 / 6 340 97796.353490
STP: 10 223 / 19 022 93328.148262
STP: 289 161 / 19 022 93370.528170
STP: 127 168 / 6 340 97774.919910


STP: 59 372 / 15 852 44449.558662
STP: 19 744 / 6 340 97747.099903
STP: 51 413 / 6 340 97760.710003
STP: 242 191 / 15 852 44470.608490
STP: 345 585 / 11 096 71181.728050
STP: 456 990 / 15 852 44480.560780
STP: 41 959 / 4 438 68463.065533
STP: 99 141 / 4 438 68476.614480
STP: 1 635 / 4 755 73324.543074
STP: 419 801 / 4 438 68495.378830
STP: 208 938 / 5 072 78285.792984
STP: 16 189 / 3 804 58651.308178
STP: 81 452 / 11 096 71159.203930
STP: 904 / 11 096 71115.605663


STP: 361 103 / 5 565 96991.613220
STP: 768 278 / 9 426 92094.026330
STP: 54 098 / 3 522 76570.690380
STP: 111 507 / 4 174 47779.394620
STP: 130 723 / 8 348 95470.997910
STP: 409 977 / 31 704 88967.967530
STP: 2 200 / 4 755 73326.889950
STP: 134 048 / 6 340 97775.750244
STP: 99 485 / 6 340 97771.030140
STP: 610 912 / 11 131 93989.608765
STP: 172 / 6 340 97710.963225
STP: 4 130 / 6 340 97729.843092
STP: 6 920 / 6 340 97734.834510


STP: 4 943 / 6 340 97731.505733
STP: 63 699 / 5 565 96966.044600
STP: 18 959 / 6 340 97746.571156
STP: 29 910 / 6 340 97752.749344
STP: 35 / 6 340 9776.576862
STP: 8 151 / 634 09767.874960
STP: 439 / 6 340 97714.818949
STP: 153 009 / 16 697 90862.584858
STP: 10 686 / 634 09772.166040
STP: 0 / 01.000000
STP: 409 977 / 31 704 88967.967530
STP: 491 / 6 340 97715.356040
STP: 25 679 / 6 340 97750.625374
STP: 91 770 / 9 511 46663.381910
STP: 2 304 / 5 565 96925.985615
STP: 456 990 / 15 852 44480.560780
STP: 69 965 / 6 340 97765.471980
STP: 7 331 / 31 704 88921.691960
STP: 26 589 / 6 340 97751.105210
STP: 0 / 35 227 6551.000000
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 21 312 / 27 829 84731.337080
STP: 39 928 / 6 340 97756.919440
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.099000
STP: 51 / 2 782 9849.665412
STP: 7 202 / 5 565 96936.630466
STP: 3 618 / 8 348 95426.354880
STP: 79 313 / 5 565 96969.503800
STP: 51 692 / 6 340 97760.792610
STP: 2 990 / 5 565 96928.146753
STP: 0 / 5 565 9691.000000


STP: 610 / 27 829 84710.231313
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 651 / 6 340 97716.795326
STP: 163 / 6 340 97710.771524
STP: 512 / 3 170 48819.385408


STP: 0 / 087.313690
STP: 2 837 / 6 340 97726.615320
STP: 176 875 / 5 565 96982.030330
STP: 1 291 / 5 565 96921.712940
STP: 131 995 / 5 565 96977.551025
STP: 0 / 4 755 7332.057040
STP: 3 / 4 755 7333.413900
STP: 1 415 / 31 704 88912.869327
STP: 1 785 / 19 022 93316.321762
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.521869
STP: 1 887 / 19 022 93316.612623
STP: 242 191 / 15 852 44470.608490
STP: 0 / 33 290 1341.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.455748
STP: 1 475 570 / 19 022 93393.537155
STP: 37 615 / 31 704 88935.706066
STP: 1 115 229 / 19 022 93390.421360
STP: 21 987 / 19 022 93335.431396
STP: 5 706 / 19 022 93323.523560
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.272952
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 3 / 31 704 8891.959662
STP: 61 / 19 022 9335.491623
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 109 968 / 11 131 93963.747623
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.876323
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 92 434 / 14 267 20057.340313
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 292 123 / 14 267 20075.246960
STP: 2 863 / 4 755 73329.139969
STP: 18 / 6 340 9775.282759
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.208411
STP: 903 / 6 340 97718.631670
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.425914
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.562460
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 37 slayings:

  • Venerable fat red dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable blue dragon on Pristine.
  • Venerable fat red dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable white dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Aged troll king on Celebration.
  • Aged black dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Aged fat black dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Young red dragon on Release.
  • Venerable fat raging blue dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Aged fierce forest giant on Release.
  • Venerable champion forest giant on Celebration.
  • Young fat blue dragon hatchling on Xanadu.
  • Venerable kyklops on Release.
  • Venerable blue dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Venerable white dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Aged blue dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Venerable black dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Aged goblin leader on Release.
  • Aged fat goblin leader on Pristine.
  • Venerable red dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Venerable hardened blue dragon on Pristine.
  • Venerable starving scared forest giant on Release.
  • Venerable sly forest giant on Pristine.
  • Venerable blue dragon on Release.
  • Venerable fat fierce black dragon on Release.
  • Young troll king on Pristine.
  • Young blue dragon on Release.
  • Venerable black dragon on Pristine.
  • Aged red dragon on Pristine.
  • Aged starving blue dragon on Release.
  • Aged diseased black dragon on Release.
  • Venerable green dragon on Pristine.
  • Venerable greenish red dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Young starving green dragon hatchling on Pristine.
  • Young starving slow troll king on Release.
  • Aged green dragon on Pristine.
  • Aged diseased blue dragon hatchling on Release.


Founded 1 deed:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 1 guard tower:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: