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Character STP: 3 503 207

Character Total Skill Points: 3152


Unlike real life, Caoineag has felt rested 1566 times!

Caoineag has grunted 20804 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 934 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 3196 times in total.

Life has handed Caoineag 234 lemons.

Caoineag has fasted 3 times.

Caoineag has created terrain graffiti 248 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Caoineag has updated their skill sheet 10 times.

Caoineag has defragmented their storage 981 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Caoineag has visited Harmony the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 16146 more times than your character could handle.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 515 850 / 6 340 97794.008880
STP: 219 376 / 6 340 97783.289490
STP: 211 327 / 6 340 97782.738460
STP: 0 / 081.922500
STP: 520 949 / 19 022 93379.776990
STP: 131 748 / 5 565 96977.521840
STP: 111 400 / 5 565 96974.887950
STP: 116 177 / 6 340 97773.490350
STP: 85 199 / 5 565 96970.638930
STP: 77 233 / 5 072 78270.553650


STP: 77 594 / 52 841 48238.012547
STP: 59 094 / 63 409 77933.236454
STP: 20 110 / 63 409 77923.933647
STP: 67 858 / 47 557 33437.695100
STP: 41 838 / 52 841 48231.652834
STP: 96 789 / 63 409 77938.444180
STP: 41 180 / 190 229 33821.249311
STP: 16 249 / 52 841 48223.705694
STP: 15 448 / 63 409 77922.048512
STP: 30 838 / 63 409 77927.302170


STP: 131 748 / 5 565 96977.521840
STP: 1 135 / 6 340 97720.019974
STP: 211 / 6 340 97711.721826
STP: 24 712 / 6 340 97750.099632
STP: 4 387 / 6 340 97730.393600
STP: 14 509 / 11 096 71136.742634
STP: 1 879 / 5 565 96924.402554
STP: 81 478 / 31 704 88944.637135
STP: 2 572 / 6 340 97725.823618
STP: 515 850 / 6 340 97794.008880
STP: 2 336 / 6 340 97725.069014
STP: 176 859 / 27 829 84757.055042
STP: 33 430 / 31 704 88934.480780
STP: 3 037 / 6 340 97727.174742
STP: 823 / 6 340 97718.091340
STP: 12 266 / 31 704 88925.449953
STP: 347 / 6 340 97713.745110
STP: 211 327 / 6 340 97782.738460
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.273738
STP: 27 916 / 6 340 97751.781635
STP: 1 / 19 022 9331.821429
STP: 112 / 19 022 9336.684218
STP: 116 177 / 6 340 97773.490350


STP: 3 560 / 15 852 44421.495699
STP: 2 204 / 6 340 97724.622837
STP: 2 131 / 6 340 97724.369345
STP: 13 072 / 15 852 44432.041730
STP: 25 947 / 11 096 71143.460854
STP: 90 881 / 15 852 44455.544975
STP: 13 987 / 4 438 68447.256523
STP: 546 / 4 438 68417.790554
STP: 857 / 4 755 73320.066698
STP: 4 442 / 4 438 68433.950447
STP: 77 233 / 5 072 78270.553650
STP: 19 513 / 3 804 58653.938828
STP: 6 825 / 11 096 71129.328575
STP: 60 / 11 096 7116.500334


STP: 22 080 / 5 565 96950.342022
STP: 7 996 / 9 426 92032.314180
STP: 474 / 3 522 76518.305315
STP: 39 737 / 4 174 47763.172962
STP: 1 020 / 8 348 95417.749548
STP: 126 951 / 31 704 88950.469696
STP: 49 / 4 755 7338.013659
STP: 4 984 / 6 340 97731.583693
STP: 6 433 / 6 340 97734.089165
STP: 7 262 / 11 131 93929.857216
STP: 144 / 6 340 97710.345973
STP: 1 018 / 6 340 97719.350094
STP: 868 / 6 340 97718.399004


STP: 222 / 6 340 97711.901447
STP: 111 400 / 5 565 96974.887950
STP: 25 357 / 6 340 97750.451820
STP: 438 / 6 340 97714.811432
STP: 44 / 6 340 9777.073037
STP: 212 / 634 09724.340050
STP: 43 / 6 340 9777.027558
STP: 8 023 / 16 697 90827.202187
STP: 2 / 634 0975.878174
STP: 0 / 010.101747
STP: 126 951 / 31 704 88950.469696
STP: 15 570 / 6 340 97744.067127
STP: 219 376 / 6 340 97783.289490
STP: 58 899 / 9 511 46656.673172
STP: 32 / 5 565 9696.674798
STP: 90 881 / 15 852 44455.544975
STP: 19 365 / 6 340 97746.847206
STP: 100 / 31 704 8895.446014
STP: 288 / 6 340 97712.945120
STP: 0 / 35 227 6551.111047
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4882.273027
STP: 773 / 27 829 84711.046793
STP: 2 248 / 6 340 97724.773120
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 13 / 2 782 9846.293430
STP: 8 983 / 5 565 96939.072685
STP: 4 / 8 348 9543.057257
STP: 85 199 / 5 565 96970.638930
STP: 51 066 / 6 340 97760.607020
STP: 196 / 5 565 96911.937080
STP: 0 / 5 565 9691.000000


STP: 41 / 27 829 8474.243256
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 146 / 6 340 97710.400366
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


STP: 0 / 081.922500
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.863066
STP: 38 175 / 5 565 96958.187280
STP: 226 / 5 565 96912.485013
STP: 2 / 5 565 9692.752212
STP: 0 / 4 755 7331.557374
STP: 0 / 4 755 7331.000000
STP: 6 / 31 704 8892.269152
STP: 34 / 19 022 9334.552988
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 13 072 / 15 852 44432.041730
STP: 0 / 33 290 1341.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 11 239 / 31 704 88924.772850
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 520 949 / 19 022 93379.776990
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 11 131 9391.238992
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.273423
STP: 11 520 / 4 755 73343.898880
STP: 2 083 / 6 340 97724.197227
STP: 549 / 6 340 97715.909025
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 14 slayings:

  • Venerable champion white dragon on Cadence.
  • Aged fat goblin leader on Harmony.
  • Young kyklops on Melody.
  • Venerable starving black dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged starving troll king on Harmony.
  • Venerable green dragon on Cadence.
  • Venerable fat troll king on Melody.
  • Venerable black dragon hatchling on Cadence.
  • Venerable lurking blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable troll king on Cadence.
  • Venerable lurking green dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged starving blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable green dragon on Harmony.
  • Venerable greenish white dragon on Cadence.


Founded 1 deed:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: