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Character STP: 29 193 060

Character Total Skill Points: 6999


Unlike real life, Alyeska has felt rested 3569 times!

Alyeska has grunted 2701 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 63 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 101 times in total.

Life has handed Alyeska 1562 lemons.

Alyeska has fasted 1354 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Alyeska has created terrain graffiti 543 times.

Alyeska visited the realm of the mermaids 1 time.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Alyeska has updated their skill sheet 1 time.

Alyeska has defragmented their storage 3882 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Alyeska has visited Pristine the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 221706 more times than your character could handle.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 0 / 0100.000000
STP: 133 994 / 634 09799.454480
STP: 0 / 098.884400
STP: 683 503 / 4 755 73398.158970
Pickaxe ★★
STP: 381 338 / 4 438 68494.526640
STP: 1 197 809 / 14 267 20094.310875
STP: 509 794 / 6 340 97793.893590
STP: 330 270 / 4 174 47793.735130
STP: 1 434 955 / 19 022 93393.252430
STP: 418 360 / 5 565 96993.215550


STP: 429 979 / 52 841 48260.764484
STP: 408 933 / 63 409 77957.272175
STP: 154 631 / 63 409 77943.981160
STP: 171 382 / 47 557 33449.038338
STP: 454 833 / 52 841 48261.622936
Mind logic ★★
STP: 690 380 / 63 409 77965.263080
STP: 488 355 / 190 229 33844.623880
STP: 330 157 / 52 841 48256.804718
STP: 203 377 / 63 409 77947.488235
STP: 548 039 / 63 409 77961.685673


STP: 55 853 / 5 565 96963.991356
STP: 124 / 6 340 9779.881884
STP: 1 158 / 6 340 97720.147198
STP: 15 145 / 6 340 97743.723747
STP: 4 261 / 6 340 97730.126010
STP: 1 509 / 11 096 71118.361012
STP: 1 952 / 5 565 96924.692862
STP: 49 360 / 31 704 88938.666035
STP: 108 176 / 6 340 97772.359030
STP: 10 435 / 6 340 97739.294292
STP: 28 830 / 6 340 97752.232048
STP: 6 197 / 27 829 84721.437826
STP: 144 / 31 704 8896.139135
STP: 38 / 6 340 9776.732620
STP: 14 / 6 340 9774.897710
STP: 353 / 31 704 8898.214797
STP: 1 748 / 6 340 97722.914108
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 10 / 6 340 9774.432941
STP: 5 539 / 6 340 97732.599970
STP: 4 592 / 19 022 93321.986370
STP: 15 / 19 022 9333.470973
STP: 2 204 / 6 340 97724.622309


STP: 173 163 / 15 852 44465.314480
STP: 8 870 / 6 340 97737.476997
STP: 131 155 / 6 340 97775.406720
Axes ★★
STP: 357 571 / 15 852 44476.768364
STP: 61 645 / 11 096 71155.087864
STP: 520 775 / 15 852 44482.525246
STP: 137 283 / 4 438 68481.624466
STP: 142 645 / 4 438 68482.198000
STP: 2 775 / 4 755 73328.863361
Pickaxe ★★
STP: 381 338 / 4 438 68494.526640
STP: 17 262 / 5 072 78248.271700
STP: 60 292 / 3 804 58671.189255
STP: 176 008 / 11 096 71171.203170
STP: 10 114 / 11 096 71133.017174


STP: 44 281 / 5 565 96960.421402
STP: 596 242 / 9 426 92091.320770
STP: 206 430 / 3 522 76590.415880
STP: 330 270 / 4 174 47793.735130
STP: 14 / 8 348 9544.489001
STP: 1 460 519 / 31 704 88987.331550
STP: 683 503 / 4 755 73398.158970
STP: 78 566 / 6 340 97767.293434
STP: 415 394 / 6 340 97791.723694
STP: 809 136 / 11 131 93992.864730
STP: 67 053 / 6 340 97764.807450
STP: 67 090 / 6 340 97764.815890
STP: 113 065 / 6 340 97773.060080


STP: 10 300 / 6 340 97739.145985
STP: 124 927 / 5 565 96976.690790
STP: 16 844 / 6 340 97745.054900
STP: 286 008 / 6 340 97787.046210
STP: 462 / 6 340 97715.060435
STP: 133 994 / 634 09799.454480
STP: 71 578 / 6 340 97765.828900
Butchering ★★
STP: 1 102 001 / 16 697 90891.807540
STP: 44 378 / 634 09792.458400
STP: 0 / 04.328872
STP: 1 460 519 / 31 704 88987.331550
STP: 74 653 / 6 340 97766.489280
STP: 164 026 / 6 340 97778.899790
STP: 153 687 / 9 511 46671.497380
STP: 1 982 / 5 565 96924.807224
STP: 520 775 / 15 852 44482.525246
STP: 48 462 / 6 340 97759.813070
STP: 28 003 / 31 704 88932.707813
STP: 59 481 / 6 340 97762.946293
STP: 3 024 / 35 227 65515.864511
STP: 526 / 11 096 71113.119566
STP: 3 779 / 3 170 48835.756134
STP: 23 113 / 27 829 84732.110336
STP: 36 881 / 6 340 97755.755463
STP: 18 / 7 045 5315.096446
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 12 / 2 356 7306.492080
STP: 1 / 2 356 7303.256616
STP: 810 / 2 782 98423.307877
STP: 9 320 / 5 565 96939.492200
STP: 37 603 / 8 348 95452.099827
STP: 394 149 / 5 565 96992.585810
STP: 329 792 / 6 340 97788.928406
STP: 23 918 / 5 565 96951.444393
STP: 141 / 5 565 96910.719910


STP: 200 207 / 27 829 84758.901443
STP: 0 / 0100.000000
STP: 1 136 / 3 170 48824.856531
STP: 53 547 / 6 340 97761.330563
STP: 509 794 / 6 340 97793.893590
STP: 219 / 3 170 48814.803220


STP: 0 / 098.884400
STP: 10 026 / 6 340 97738.841210
STP: 418 360 / 5 565 96993.215550
STP: 108 764 / 5 565 96974.509780
STP: 315 241 / 5 565 96990.000170
STP: 73 / 4 755 7339.134832
STP: 5 967 / 4 755 73336.300290
STP: 309 581 / 31 704 88963.567295
STP: 1 282 176 / 19 022 93392.044020
STP: 176 763 / 19 022 93362.800037
STP: 510 524 / 19 022 93379.466720
Axes ★★
STP: 357 571 / 15 852 44476.768364
STP: 148 417 / 33 290 13451.957150
STP: 1 079 730 / 19 022 93390.026690
STP: 1 434 955 / 19 022 93393.252430
STP: 588 600 / 31 704 88973.699220
STP: 299 111 / 19 022 93371.064940
STP: 1 216 942 / 19 022 93391.452200
STP: 450 372 / 19 022 93377.525070
STP: 212 726 / 31 704 88957.859707
STP: 1 078 291 / 19 022 93390.010284
STP: 1 127 079 / 19 022 93390.548870
STP: 1 340 722 / 19 022 93392.534580
STP: 59 / 31 704 8894.598854
STP: 525 / 19 022 93311.024079
STP: 1 / 15 852 4441.833695
STP: 3 / 6 340 9773.000000
STP: 302 658 / 11 131 93979.666260
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 6 887 / 14 267 20027.240023
STP: 809 / 14 267 20013.897721
STP: 5 / 14 267 2002.744728
STP: 1 197 809 / 14 267 20094.310875
STP: 208 829 / 14 267 20069.928920
STP: 88 024 / 4 755 73373.651590
STP: 30 / 6 340 9776.215405
STP: 0 / 6 340 977
STP: 93 519 / 6 340 97770.049130
STP: 89 / 15 852 4446.565540
STP: 435 / 6 340 97714.774391
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 121 slayings:


Founded 6 deeds:

Disbanded 3 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 2 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: